Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Highest Place on Earth:

My husband and I went to Tibet as part of our honeymoon. It was definitely the hardest place to travel out of everywhere i've been so far. We are what you call "lucky", and the right people just happened to come into our lives and helped us along the way. For my husband, it almost became a struggle to stay alive. When we first arrived, I had altitude sickness and was struggling to keep myself occupied by taking photos. Eventually, after a couple days, I began feeling better. Although, during the 8 days we spent road tripping, I was barely able to eat and became fairly weak by the end of the journey. My husband was feeling fine for the first few days, but as we ascended to highest city in the world, Wenzhuan (16,730ft above sea level), he began feeling the effects of altitude sickness. On our last night, nearing the highest altitude of the trip, he wasn't able to eat either. He tried going to sleep in hopes he would feel better the next day, but while laying next to him, I noticed he wasn't breathing. When I would wake him, he would gasp for air, struggling for every breath, only to repeat the cycle when he fell asleep again. It was midnight, and no one was awake. I had to run to the home of the accommodation owners and beg them to sell me oxogen tanks. I was told earlier that you should not use more then 2, and if you are still having troubles, you need to descend in altitude immediately. He ended up using 6 tanks of oxogen that night. The worst part was that, in order to get back down in elevation, we were going to need to get higher first. We made it back to Nepal the next day.

Traveling to Tibet should not be taken lightly, it taught me a great deal about how fragile the human body can be.

It amazes me even still how much attention to detail the Tibetans use in their architecture. I've always believed that art is an expression of the soul. The greater the art, the greater the depth of the artist. Tibetans have been through more than most of the world can possibly imagine. I will do my best to share what I learned during my journey about their culture throughout my blog.

Tibet reminds us, what comes from the Earth shall one day return to the Earth.


  1. Your blog is very interesting. I hope you don't mind if I will be your follower :)
